Bouquet Preservation

What can I do with my wedding bouquet? That's easy! Send it to us and we'll preserve your bouquet so you can keep it forever. One of our most popular services at Olive Can Fly is flower preservation. It's keeping us very busy which is absolutely fine as we [...]

2024-06-11T14:03:48+00:00May 5, 2024|


..was a mixed bag! It started off strong but descended into gross sickness that took out 3 members of the household. Something was definitely going around and it knocked me and the boys sideways. It was a good 4 weeks of doctors appointments, paracetemol (for me & 1 child [...]

2024-06-12T14:56:05+00:00March 19, 2024|


..was a busy one! I always say that I’m super grateful for the work because I am, but I wasn’t expecting January to be so busy. I spent a lot of time working on various projects in my lovely stained glass studio in the Baltic Triangle, Liverpool and the [...]

2024-06-11T14:19:50+00:00February 5, 2024|